Welcome to Prepare In A Year.
Our goal is to help guide you to develop your desired level of preparedness in a series of small steps over the next twelve months. We will be suggesting action steps as well as recommending levels of preparedness.
Here are the topics we will be covering by month in 2025:
Month - Topic
- January 1) Alerts and Family Communications Plan, The Rule of 3's, and staying warm.
- February 2) Your Emergency Action Plan
- March 3) Water
- April 4) Grab and Go Kits, and Medications
- May 5) Important Documents
- June 6) 4 Weeks Ready - Food
- July 7) Fire Safety
- August 8) Utility Safety
- September 9) Under the Bed
- October 10) Earthquake Preparedness – Drop, Cover and Hold on
- November 11) Shelter in Place, and Pets
- December 12) Home Hazard Hunt
January Action Steps:
- Sigh up for PC Alert and activate as many Government alerts as desired on your phones.
- Determine both on- and off-island meet up points for yor family.
- Make a family contact sheet and give to all family members.
Last modified on: 1/2/2025