Block Coordinator

Block Coordinator - From Fox Island Emergency Prep
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Block Coordinator - 5 Items

An Overview

2.2.0 Emergency Preparation – Block Coordinator Program/YOYO

When we work together – we’re stronger than ever!

What is the Block Coordinator Program?
The Block Coordinator Program (BC Program) was created by the FICRA trust as a way to facilitate information flow and communication between the Emergency Planning leadership and individuals. It relies on neighborhood relationships and cooperation – in an emergency we are stronger working together than working alone. The BC program applies that thinking to preparation as well.

How do I find out if I have a Block Coordinator?
Click on the Block Coordinator Map to the left to find out. Locate your street and home – if the area is highlighted in Red/Blue/Green/Purple or Teal your BC name and contact information will pop up. If not, you have seve... Read More


Block Coordinator Program

2.2.1 Block Coordinator Manual - Response in an Emergency

  1. CONFIRM THE EMERGENCY by checking your phone & e-mail for Pierce County Alert advisory, and/or, tuning in FM 89.9, or 105.7 to get the latest information on Fox Island. Or, go to Facebook/FoxIslandFICRA.
  3. CHECK YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD house by house (map on page 2), to see if anyone is in need of medical help. Children, and the elderly and infirm should be first priority.
  4. Once you have a feel for the needs in your neighborhood, LEAVE YOUR MESSAGE AT THE AGREED TO COMMUNICATION SITE (see the map on page 2 for the location of that site) so the Emergency Response organization (Emergency Patrol assigned to your area) ... Read More


Individual Responsibility

2.2.2 Block Coordinator Program Preparation Responsibilities


Emergencies, such as severe weather conditions or major earthquakes, that interrupt basic functions (electricity, water, ability to use the bridge) for Fox Island residents for an extended period of time (more than 8 hours), or major fire that puts neighborhoods at risk, may be cause for Block Coordinators (BC’s) to react and begin their emergency response duties.

In preparation for such emergencies, Block Coordinators will be assigned neighborhood groups of roughly 15 residences. They will contact, list, and map the residents in the neighborhood, identifying special needs (e.g., children, the elderly and infirm) and neighborhood resources (e.g., tools and special vehicles).

In an emergency, Block Coordinators will coordinate neighborhood actions and provide communica... Read More


2.2.3 Block Program Responsibilities – Preparation Phase

Individuals - Preparation

  1. Sign up for Pierce County Alert to receive advisory information on an emergency that could impact you.
  2. Provide your Block Coordinator with the information needed for making contact with your residence in an emergency.
  3. Be prepared with a minimum of 30 days of water, food and medicines and keep your fuel inventories up.
  4. Make a plan for contacting and for meeting your family members in an emergency (use the Fox Island Bridge being out of service as your base case)
  5. Install a File of Life pocket onto your refrigerator so any emergency response personnel can be aware of important health info on family members. Keep your 'Help/OK' sign readil... Read More


2.4.4 The Bucket List (Download)

Download the 'Bucket List' from Pierce County Emergency Management.

For a quick evacuation, store the supplies shown here (for 2-3 days) in a 5-gallon bucket with lid or other container such as a back pack.