Emergency Response | Shelters

Information for Emergency Response on Fox Island, including Neighborhood Watch program, Infrastructure Team, Medical Team, Marine logistics, Shelters, and more, to help you react to an emergency situation.
Home > Emergency Response > Shelters

3.4 - Shelters


We have an off-site storage facility with cots and bedding available to temporary shelters (the Heart Church and United Church of Christ). No food will be available there.

If you are interested in volunteering with the Shelter Team, fill out this form.


3.5 - Medical


Fox Island has several medical professionals (physicians, PA’s, NPA’s, etc.) that have volunteered to participate in an emergency.

We also have storage of medical triage equipment on-island in multiple locations, to ensure supplies are available for use at the Nichols Community Center EOC (Emergency Operations Command) medical triage room. 

If you are interested in volunteering with the Medical Team, fill out this form.