Volunteer with Fox Island Emergency Prep

Marine Team

If you haven’t already done so, please review the Organization Chart and The Plan which will orient you to the various opportunities for volunteering.

Your Contact Information
*Your Name:
*Your Address:
(Street Number, Street Name, City, Zip, no PO Boxes)

  Areas of Interest
*Describe your areas of interest and/or expertise:
  Which Areas are you interested in?
Neighborhood Block Coordinator organizes their neighborhood to maximize survivability in a disaster.
Neighborhood Watch/Emergency Patrol are eyes and ears on Fox Island and are a communication link in a disaster response.
Medical Triage will be conducted by a variety of medical skills at the Nichols Community Center (NCC) as needed following a disaster. Particularly needed if the bridge is unusable.
Amateur Radio Operators will be providing communication both in the EOC Communications Central in the NCC and neighborhood reporting to the EOC.
Infrastructure Team will be inspecting structures (Structural Engineers) and roadways to ensure routes are usable.
Marine Team will advise Incident Command at the EOC of availability of water craft that could transport off the island.
Shelter Team are folks that will assist in getting a shelter (if needed) set up at the Heart Church and UCC church.
*(required fields)
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